

We are a conservative congregation serving the south shore of Long Island.

Please click on the links to visit other pages filled with information about our community life, our programs, our holiday services, and more. We are the most welcoming Jewish experience on the South Shore!

My House Is a House for All People

For all of those who are interested in furthering their education, our Hebrew school, The Al & Shirley Beja Center for Jewish Learning, prides itself on quality Jewish education taught by an experienced, creative and enthusiastic staff. Our students learn about Jewish values, customs, holidays and the Hebrew language. We want our children to appreciate and celebrate their Jewish identity in the context of modern American life and to inspire our children to be committed to a life of Jewish living and learning. Therefore, we offer free Hebrew school with membership!

Who We Are

The Bay Shore Jewish Centre is an egalitarian Conservative synagogue and Hebrew School located in Bay Shore on the South Shore of Long Island. Its minyan began in l899, and the community incorporated twenty years later, in l9l9. Our current synagogue dates from the late l950’s. 

Our mission is a simple one: we are here to offer everyone the services and support of a Jewish community. For the newcomer, we are a gateway to learning and prayer. For the spiritual seeker, we offer meditation and an openness to the mystical traditions of Judaism. For those raised in Jewish homes, we offer continuity and growth. We provide ceremonies for baby-naming, rituals for healing, support and guidance in all the life-cycle events, and a plot of earth for burial.

Our Ritual Director, Al Beja, makes sure that all worshipers have the opportunity for synagogue honors.

The Jewish Centre of Bay Shore provides a free Hebrew school education to the children of members. This education is a foundation which prepares a student to become a bar or bat mitzvah.

You Don’t have to Pay to Pray!

Our High Holiday and Festival Services are open to everyone. Call our office at 631-665-1140 to reserve a place. We are glad to welcome you and trust you will find us dedicated, open, interested, and diverse.


Meet Our Team

Our Team here at the Jewish Centre of Bay Shore.

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The Hebrew School is a great source of pride for the Jewish Centre of Bay Shore. The students represent “l’dor va’dor”, the next generation.

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The Jewish Centre owns a section in the Oakwood Cemetery in Bay Shore.  Our oldest grave is dated 1889 and symbolizes our roots in town.

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If you have questions about our community, our Membership Application or to have an application mailed to you, please call us at (631) 665-1140 and we will be happy to assist you.

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Morning minyan is suspended until further notice.

Friday evening services are in person and on Zoom.

Shabbat morning services are in the main sanctuary at 9:15 AM. Masks are optional to attend.  

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  • Office Manager:
    Heidi Silverberg
  • Phone:
    (631) 665 1140
  • Fax:
    (631) 665 1561
  • Email:
    info @ JewishCentreBayShore.org
  • Address:
    26 North Clinton Avenue
    Bay Shore, NY 11706

Contact Form